I am currently offering therapy Face to Face and Online via Zoom, Teams, Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp video call
Appetite4Life Wellbeing Centre
BA Psych (ED) H Dip JP Ed - Bachelor of Arts in Education
PG Psychodynamic/Psychotherapeutic Counselling - Counsellor and Psychotherapist
Diploma in Clinical Supervision- Supervisor for Counsellors and Hypnotherapists and Student Counsellors and Hypnotherapists
ABNLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner
Accredited Diploma in CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Accredited Diploma in Hypnotherapy
Accredited Diploma Coaching
Diploma TA - Transactional Analysis (Burne Institute)
Child Counselling
Relationship Counselling
Nutritional Counselling
Level 5 Diploma in Weight Management
Weight Loss Clinician
Nutritional Supplement Advisor
Membership of Professional Bodies
I am a member of the following professional bodies
National Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Society
Fully Insured